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The reality of virtual reality

The reality of virtual reality

So for the past few months I’ve had a minor obsession with following news in Virtual Reality (VR). But as a lover of new technology, how can you blame me? Companies like Facebook, Google and Apple are betting big on these devices that have the potential to bring you anywhere you want to go, just by putting on a headset.

I stumbled upon a VR meet-up group in Chicago and attended just to see what was going on in this up-and-coming industry, which will exceed $1 billion in 2016. Over 100 people attended this recent meeting, and several companies had demo stations.

Chart showing global virtual reality head-mounted display shipments

As I suspected, it was nerdy … and COOL. The event featured many of the popular devices: Oculus RiftSamsung Gear VRHTV Vive, and Google Cardboard. With the positive vibe in the room, you could tell that everyone is excited about this new technology.

From an advertising perspective, one company stuck out in particular. VR Card recently launched their Kickstarter campaign, creating customizable mailers that fold up into a virtual reality device. The best part … all you need is a smartphone and you’re ready to go! There’s definitely a learning curve since this technology is so new, but VR Card is making it as easy as possible for brand new users. Check out the link for their video and a description that will give you a better understanding of their services.

Example of VR headset

I strongly believe VR is here to stay, and these companies have just started scratching the surface of its true potential. Sure, there’s room for improvement. I didn’t quite have a moment where I felt so immersed that I forgot that I was wearing a headset, but this technology keeps getting better and better every day.

There will be opportunities for VR in any industry. Eventually, I’d like to see headset models that aren’t as bulky – more like a regular pair of glasses. But let’s not forget that mobile phones weren’t perfect the first time around...

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