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Micromoments – marketing that matters in ag

Consistency is the key to marketing micromoments

Micromoments - Marketing that Matters in Ag

In our hypertechnological world, we have an overabundance of micromoments.

What are micromoments? They are the small capsules of time that divert our attention from our everyday tasks to the instinctual use of a digital or mobile device. Each time we pick up our phone or tablet from whatever we are doing to look for, listen to, buy something and seek out information, these are moments of instant gratification, satisfied by data, purchases, games or simply a deviation of attention.

For ag marketers, these are the moments to connect with the farmer. They ignite relationships built through ag apps, Facebook posts, targeted text ads and other manners of communication that marry the farmer with opportunities.

Farm Journal Media’s Digital Audience Research study informs us that farmers spend at least five hours a week with digital media, a solid percentage of them spending at least 10 hours a week or more engaged with different digital media services. This includes looking at market and crop news, weather and specific farm content, along with utilizing various social media. Facebook continues to be the social media of choice, with 58 percent of farmers using it at least once a month. Finally, 87 percent of farmers surveyed are texting and 70 percent use ag-related apps. All of this means that farmers engage in a variety of micromoments across many channels.

Across the Seasons

Farmers spend more time in their tractor, combine and planter cabs during planting and harvesting, likely (but not guaranteed) on autosteer.  Though it’s an assumption, that is time for them to engage with digital media. We looked at Meredith’s Farmer’s Use of Media Survey 2017 to determine how farmers used digital media across the seasons and if the data changed during time spent planting, harvesting, growing and planning.

We concluded that farmers’ use of mobile and digitized media remained consistent across all seasons. Though we assumed it might be greater when farmers spend more time in their combines, planters and tractors, perhaps that time was accommodated elsewhere throughout the year. The key point is that the consistency across all seasons is the entry point for marketers to reach farmers with micromoments. This is the target.

As a strategy, we recommend marketers focus on the consistency of this digital and mobile technology usage and build sales, service and support to align with farmers’ planting, growing, harvesting and planning cycles. Because farmers use digital and mobile media at the same rate throughout the seasons, that gives you and your brand an opportunity to make your brand top of mind at all times.

Marketers must also pay close attention to the types of digital and mobile media that farmers consume. Farmers trend toward ag mobile aps, websites and social media, particularly Facebook and some usage of Twitter. That might mean expanding your reach as a marketer to offer more inclusive touchpoints and ways to reach the farmer.

Finally, we suggest that you craft micromoments with the farmer and the information they seek in mind. This means recognizing the farmers’ needs throughout each season and marketing to what they might be looking for to take care of their crops and livestock.

Is it fair to say that micromoments are just one more opportunity in an already crowded marketplace to influence behavior? That is exactly the point. As a brand, this engages an overabundant marketplace and provides an opportunity to stand out in a way that might otherwise go unnoticed.

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