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Everyone deserves a rich online experience, even when marketing to farmers

At the end of the day – we’re all everyday consumers

Consumer marketing to farmers

Today, the depth and flexibility of the Internet has blurred the lines of the average consumer and a business owner. It’s become ingrained in our everyday lives, making B2B and B2C digital boundaries less segregated than ever before. Consumers can now connect to the information they need anywhere, anytime.

A report completed by Forrester supports this notion explaining that B2C businesses are actively setting the standard for all consumers in selling and connecting to consumers online.

This creates a tremendous opportunity for marketers in agriculture to truly connect with their key stakeholders on a different level. The ability to create a true customer experience that enables farmers to connect with a brand and its products.

Drab websites and copy heavy e-blasts are go-to tactics for many marketers trying to reach farmers. But no longer are farmers, just that. They’re everyday consumers who watch football, research commodity markets, purchase hunting gear through Amazon and read reviews about their next vacation destination – all at the same time.

This Calls for Action from Marketers
Consumers and farmers alike demand seamless transitions from website to website. Analytics and metrics tell us that consumers spend less time on sites and are less brand loyal than ever. This makes it more essential that you give them the information they need, where they need it and as easily digestible as possible.

Say goodbye to narrative block texts, overly populated sites that load slowly or bothersome contact sections you’re forced to complete for every bit of information when it can be simply displayed across your site. Don’t create unnecessary steps. Marketers should aim to make their web and digital connections simple, informative and easily navigable.

Better yet, online web experiences need to be more relatable to farmers. Customized, user-friendly landing pages do much more for your brands’ equity. Additionally, as farmers grow conditioned to these functions, like every day B2C consumers, they expect same-day answers to their inquiries, powerful site search capabilities, the ability to purchase quickly or expedited deliveries.

As B2B marketers, we owe it to ourselves to take some notes from the rapidly evolving B2C space to further our efforts. Not hinder our potential. Thus, this enormous opportunity presents itself.

By tweaking your digital efforts, agri-marketers can now deliver premier online experiences that farmers have come to expect elsewhere. Responsive, intuitive and easy-to-use. Those should be priorities that lead your digital exploration and improvement.

The Internet is evolving the way farmers gather information, shop and do business. Stay ahead of the curve and rethink your digital strategy to connect with your farmer-customers.

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